Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Movie Madness: A Synopsis of the Snubbed

Ahhh the cry of injustice!  Foul play!  Reminds me of my middle school days when I didn't make the cut for the basketball team.  Similar to the NCAA tourney, one is to expect a few snubs.  I always appreciate when analysts offer up their opinions as to why my favorite team is left out of the big dance.  Well, that's not entirely correct - Duke is never absent.  But I appreciate the insight all the same.  So for this particular post, consider me the Jay Bilas of the big screen as we take a look at the biggest snubs of the March Movie Madness tournament.

One thing we have to keep in mind here is that the field of 64 is not a list of the BEST sports movies ever made.  Technically speaking, there are some entries that I wouldn't even consider to be Mulan, much less Cinderella stories.  Their acting is comical in all the wrong places, the storylines inaccurate or filled with plot holes, and protagonists that are more like caricatures than real people.  But the prototypical sports fan has no interest in discussing such things.  People want to be inspired!  A major reason for sports' marketability is the fact that they have the potential to connect with those watching it on a deep, personal level...and inspire.  So while you won't be bringing up some of the films in a discussion with "Apocalypse Now" or "The Godfather," it's undeniable that they resonate with the masses.

Are there some classic sports titles missing from the field?  Sure.  In exchange, what we do have is a more well-rounded selection of movies that appeal to sports fans on every level, from the casual viewer that still doesn't understand pass interference to those who still snuggle up at night beneath their Atlanta Braves lamp shade, gazing at their Chipper bobblehead. 

Enough!  Here's why your movie will be attending the NIT this year.

Pride of the Yankees (1942)  The conference was absolutely stacked this season.  Basically the teams just beat on each other throughout the year, and when it came time for the conference tournament, these boys had nothing left in the tank.  TRANSLATION: There are more than enough baseball movies in the field that can do serious damage in the tournament.  Check the date.  1942.  Most sports fans have never heard of this great film, let alone seen it.  And relevance counts here.

North Dallas Forty (1979)  Speaking of relevance!  There was a time when this team was great.  Now it seems like they're a former shell of themselves, trying to cling to the glory days instead of recruiting new talent and starting fresh.  TRANSLATION: The film was loosely based on the Dallas Cowboys.  Unfortunately the Cowboys haven't been relevant since the 90's. 

The Hustler (1961)  What a great ball club!  Fundamental in all aspects of the game and sound on both ends of the floor.  This is the perfect squad for all the purists of the game.  However, all of that could not overcome the young, fresh up-tempo style of their conference rivals.  TRANSLATION: The film is great, loved by critics and fans alike, deserving of every bit of praise heaped upon it.  "The Color of Money" just happened to be made twenty-five years later and thus more familiar with today's fan.  Not to mention you still have Newman as Fast Eddie coupled with a young up-and-comer by the name of Tom Cruise.  With Scorsese directing, "Money" earns the bid.

Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)  It's a solid team but they lack an identity.  They should spend time in the offseason figuring out exactly who they are.  There's just not enough room for another team with that style in the tournament.  TRANSLATION: The "Classic Sports Film in which a Dying Player Fights for His Life to the Bitter End" Conference is a small one and could only afford one entry.  This honor went to "Brian's Song" which came out two years earlier and was a better film to boot.

Blue Chips (1994)  This team dominated all season long, albeit in a very weak and usually embarrassing conference.  Nevertheless all the experts expected them to represent in the tournament.  Instead, a dark horse emerged to give their incompetent conference a slightly better than impossible chance to get out of the first round.  TRANSLATION: Space Jam > Blue Chips 


  1. Lol, that Mulan line is classic. Good work, Sir.

  2. HAHAHA!!! I actually kind of like Mulan, but I know its rightful place beneath the greats! Thanks for reading!
