Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscars 2012 Outlook and Opinions

No way I’m even going to pretend that I can make an educated prognostication on every single category.  So I’ll just hit  the major ones and touch on a few minor ones as well.

Best Picture

My prediction: “The Artist”
My opinion: There are a number of films missing this year in this category, namely the best picture of 2011, “A Separation.”

Best Actor in a Leading Role
My prediction: Jean Dujardin “The Artist”

My opinion: Surprisingly, I saw all of the films represented in this category, and all nominees are well-deserved.  Of the five, I like Pitt in “Moneyball” the most.  But the best performance of 2011 belonged to Michael Fassbender in “Shame,” hands down.

Best Actress in a Leading Role

My prediction: Viola Davis “The Help”
My opinion: Surprisingly, I saw none of the films represented in this category.  I did see Charlize Theron in “Young Adult” and thought she should’ve gotten a nod, at least.  Everyone who’s seen Tilda Swinton in “We Need to Talk About Kevin” said her performance was unparalleled.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
My prediction: Christopher Plummer “Beginners”

My opinion: Haven’t seen it.  All the critics say he’s the one.  Why should I argue?  Because of Nick Nolte, that’s why!

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

My prediction: Octavia Spencer “The Help”
My opinion: Didn’t see “The Help.”  My wife said Spencer was good but Chastain was better.  I say there’s no way either of them are better than Bejo in “The Artist.”  Loved her.

Best Animated Feature Film
My prediction: Ummmmm…..”Rango.”  No!  “A Cat in Paris.”  No!  “Chico and Rita.”  No!  “Rango.”

My opinion: “The Transformers” from 1986 should be nominated every year just on general principle.

Best Cinematography

My prediction: “Tree of Life”

My opinion: I wish I would’ve watched it.  I’ve heard good things about its cinematography.

Best Directing
My prediction: Michael Hazanavicius “The Artist”

My opinion: If there’s an upset here, it’ll be from Alexander Payne for “The Descendants.”  Where is Steve McQueen for “Shame”?

Best Editing

My prediction: “The Artist”

My opinion: “The Artist” will do very well this year.

Best Foreign Language Film

My prediction: “A Separation”

My opinion: If “A Separation” didn’t exist, people would be hearing about “Bullhead.”

Best Original Score

My prediction: “The Artist”

My opinion: It’s a film with no audible dialogue.  The music better be great.

Best Visual Effects

My prediction: “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”

My opinion: This movie was surprisingly good, and Caesar the chimp was one of the best characters of the year.

Best Adapted Screenplay

My prediction: “The Descendants”

My opinion: No way the Academy lets a Clooney movie go without a statue.  I’m fine with that though.

Best Original Screenplay

My prediction: “Midnight in Paris”
My opinion: “A Separation” is in this category, and I think “Midnight” deservingly takes this.  That’s how good “Midnight” is.

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